Gay saget obituary

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Bob revealed that his sister, Gay, suffered massively as a result of scleroderma before she died.Īccording to reports, the date of birth of Gay Saget is January 9, and that is the same day Bob Saget died. Cooper: How old was Gay when she died Saget: She was diagnosed at 43.

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Gay Saget was diagnosed with scleroderma at the age of 44 years and she had to move to Los Angeles to stay with her family. It starred Dana Delany and was based on my sister, Gay, who died of scleroderma. The unfortunate death of Gay Saget propelled Bob Saget to become an activist for the Scleroderma Research Foundation. One of Bob Saget’s sisters, Gay Saget, passed away sadly in 1994 at the age of 47 years as a result of a connective tissue disease called scleroderma. Sad Story Of How Bob Saget’s Sister, Gay Saget, Died Of Scleroderma On Her Birthday Bob Saget died on January 9, 2022, in Orange County, Florida at the age of 65 years. Bob Saget was an American stand-up comedian, actor, and television host who came into the limelight for portraying Danny Tanner on the sitcom Full House. Bob Saget attended Temple University and he won the Student Academy Awards for creating a wonderful film.īob Saget and his siblings, Andrea Saget and Gay Saget, were born to Benjamin Saget and Rosalyn Dolly Saget.

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